Field Journal:
Inspiring Human Experience
Hi There… I’m glad you’re here. Welcome to my literal Field Journal, a collection of thoughts and ideas as I move through this beautiful life sharing how I got here, what inspires me and a few things in between. I’m passionate about health and wellbeing, fitness, travel, airports, shopping, dining and of course, my fellow humans. Mostly, I’m driven by living our best lives paying attention to our deepest longings.
Take what serves you, leave the rest.
PS. I dearly love to laugh and I hope you get my humor. If you don’t, it’s fine.
I’m fine. You’re fine. Everything is fine.
(But did you laugh at that?)
Wow, this is starting to feel like my public speaking, which I think I’m terrible at (because I’m terrified of it even though I have a degree in communication), but I keep getting asked to speak and always say yes because… “feel the fear and do it anyway.” (Insert facepalm.) Okay, I’m going to stop talking now.
The Messy Human Element of Travel can be… Perfection
When we allow for the unexpected in our travel day, it can be unforgettable.
Health Innovation: What do we really WANT?
Imagine if we shifted our medical care to focus on root cause and had a battery of in-depth functional medicine tests at the touch of our finger tips that allowed us to understand how to optimize our health? This is my wish… Let’s build it!